Friday, October 5, 2007

All the things I wish someone had told me...

1) Nothing is guaranteed, or certain. You can lose money, beauty fades, friends can move, family can pass away, wit and knowledge can be stolen by old age... The only thing that no one or no thing can ever take away from you is Jesus. Always live your life in such a way that you remember that.

2) The type of music you listen to will directly affect the kind of person that you are.

3) Never choose a friend for their looks, their popularity, or their money.

4) No one is ever more important than you are. People are just good at pretending.

5) Hold your head up, smile, shake hands firmly and look people in the eye. It will take you far.

6) Family comes first. Stick together and have eachothers backs. One day you'll regret it if you don't.

7) Boys are a dime a dozen. Find a man who loves God, and loves you. If you're not compatible, move on. Life is short, don't waste your time with the wrong one.

8) Don't keep company with lazy people who have no ambition or goals.

9) Remember that every mean person is hurting on the inside.

10) Treat everyone as if they're the most important person in the world.

11) Never say in private what you don't want said in public. Even if only half of it ever gets out, that can lead to a lot of embarrassment.

12) You will never know how much your parents love you... until you have children of your own.

13) Don't bother with grudges or bitterness... odds are they don't care anyway.

14) Whenever you're in a new place and you're feeling insecure, smile and go talk to someone who's standing alone. They're feeling the same way.

15) 98% of life in mental. Everything is outlook and perception. Think positive, be positive. Always be grateful. Make every day the best day ever.

16) There is nothing that you can not do if you really want it bad enough. It may take hard work, but never give up. Anyone that tells you otherwise had already made excuses for their own failures.

17) You will attract what you think about. May all of your daydreams have happy endings.

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