Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 30, 2007

Today we were playing in your room, and I was reading a book while you were “reading” your books. I looked over and you were laying down on the floor with your blankie saying “mmmm!” “mmmm!”. I went over to see what you were “mmming” about, and you were sucking on the carpet! Apparently you found a spot of childrens Tylenol that had spilled in your room when we gave it to you in the middle of the night! I swear you’ll eat anything!
Your molars have almost all come in. You’ve had a fever for daaaaays, seriously. I didn’t know what was wrong with you and then today I was tickling you and you laughed real big, and I could see a whole bunch of them! Poor kid, must’ve hurt!
We took you to Emerald Downs today too. I hope you had fun because I don’t think we’ll ever go back. =) It was very cold, and we were outside the whole time! Luckily there was an overhang because it was pouring down rain. You ate a corndog, and shared it with Caleb Gould. You would only eat it if he did too. =) You kept giving him and Noah hug after hug. It was very cute. How come you won’t give us hugs like that?!

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